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 حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
القلب الصافي

المساهمات : 2044
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/05/2012

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD   حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أغسطس 19, 2013 3:18 pm

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD I8d

اقدم لكم


حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD V1e

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD I22y

هذه اللعبة اولا صدرت نسخة قليلة الجودة و لكن بعد ذلك صدرت نسخة عالية الجودة HD

High Definition

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Vnv9

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD A5sa

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD I22y

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Ipbn

Among the real-time strategy games that came up, there were the big names in the past like Command & Conquer and StarCraft, while there was Age of Empires hanging around in the back as an alternative for those who weren’t really into the whole military thing in RTS. Instead, you have civilizations vying for survival and supremacy, so there’s more of a historical angle to it, which made the AoE series attractive. Now, what’s considered to be the most well-made title of the series is getting an update for a new generation of gamers.<br />
<br />
Age of Empires II HD includes the core game and the expansions, as well as Steam Workshop support, which is a great idea that will extend its replay value and promise more future content, as well as continued support. AoE2 is touted by fans as the best installment of the series, which makes sense that this HD remake was made for it. With high definition support for various resolutions and aspect ratios, you can finally have it suit the computers of today and play what fans in the past have considered to be one of the best strategy games ever released.<br />
<br />
The game has not stood the test of time well, considering the strategy games we have nowadays like StarCraft II. There’s no building and command queues, no sophisticated unit selection mechanics, limited control groups, and so on. There is a lot more micromanagement involved to play this game properly, so this is not for those who just want to play the game with the mouse on one hand and scratching the chin with the other in a thinking pose to look more like a strategic player. This game will need a bit more effort in order to play well, so you better get ready.<br />
<br />
The HD remake didn’t actually see much change other than being more compatible for high resolutions. The textures are relatively the same, as well as the sound effects and the unit voices. So in the end, the changes made for this remake is actually quite minimal, which makes it seem like it’s not worth the money if you already own the original game and the expansions.<br />
<br />
But for new players who have heard the tales about AoE2, this is their best chance to get introduced to the series and play this game. The less sophisticated system that requires more micromanagement does pave the way to a more aggressive playing style since there’s no building queuing to facilitate macromanagement. You get to do all of this stuff in nine singleplayer campaigns, which will take quite a bit of time and give you more reasons to love this game.<br />
<br />
Unfortunately, the part of the game that could make this a great RTS title, the multiplayer mode, is rather buggy. Steam does a fairly good job with matchmaking, letting you have tons of fun with 1v1 and co-op. However, there is a tendency for the game to go out-of-sync. Also, if a player gets dropped, everyone else will be stuck in the vote screen for a long while. Further support for the game is to be expected since it’s in Steam, and having good multiplayer can definitely do wonders for this game, despite its age.<br />
<br />
Another thing is that while this game is supposedly the “HD Edition”, this game doesn’t really support multiple monitors, so you have to turn it off for this game to run properly. Fortunately, there have been fixes to remedy this, but the fact that this was released with such problems is a bit sad. To think that this is called “HD”, it’s kind of like false marketing if not for the support of higher resolutions. But then again, there are plenty of old games out there that have community mods which enable them to be played in newer setups, so that’s not exactly a feature that needed Hidden Path to meticulously work on.<br />
<br />
If you’re sick of the slow speed of Civilization, but are still interested in a game that focuses on ancient history, then Age of Empires II: HD Edition can prove to be very good. Having been so much fun for fans since its release, it’s nice to know that the developers still remember about this game and are pulling an effort to this series. Maybe in the future

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD El57

متطلبات التشغيل الصغرى

Minimum System Requirements

Windows 8,7,VISTA , XP



VGA 512 MB


حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Xr3y

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حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD W8pf

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Q4eh

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حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 9d9e

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Lwm8

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 2t4u

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD U7ep

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Chq7

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 9xgk

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 3dex

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Ya37

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Pb8y

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 8qpz

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Ygmn

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 7m8m

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Gf7n

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 7n1z

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD K2hi

الموقع الرسمى للعبة من هنا

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Cwd4

سعر اللعبة

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD E1h5

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Sxu9

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Stmv

حجم اللعبة : 1.34 GB

صيغة : ISO

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD Dolh

اللعبة مقسمة اكتر من تقسيمة بس بصيغة .001 او .002 و هكذا

يستخدم برنامج HJSplit

صورة من البرنامج

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 27id

حجمه اقل من 200 KB

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بالنسبة للتحميل هيكون من على موقع MultiUp.org

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اختر ما تريد منها

اولا اللعبة كاملة برابط واحد

حمل من هنا

تقسيمة 1 GB

Part 1

Part 2

تقسيمة 100 MB

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD 2sro

تجد هنا الكراك و ال Fix

حجم الملف 1.3 Mb

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حصريا لعبة Age Of Empires II بجودة HD
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