منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين
منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين
منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين
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منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين

احدث الإسلاميات والبرامج والالعاب وافلام الكارتون والصور
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 Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 319
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/05/2015

Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64)   Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64) I_icon_minitimeالخميس مايو 28, 2015 9:01 pm

Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64) B2485bc6c1cc882b4b91176785643d7f
Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86/x64) | 134.02 MB | 209.31 MB

Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64) Coollogocom74703810

Rapid Delta Restore (RDR)
Using advanced delta detection technology RDR can rapidly recover data from single, or multiple full backups. Cuts restore times by 90% or more.

Pre-defined backup plan templates
The Macrium Reflect scheduling engine is pre-loaded with templates for traditional, Incremental forever, or you can create your own custom plan.

Incrementals forever
An efficient method to continuously maintain a defined number of the most recent incremental backups. The oldest incremental files are consolidated into a single synthetic delta.

SSD Trim support
This features provides automated SSD optimization providing enhanced SSD performance and longevity.

Rapid Delta Clone (RDC)
Improving further on the cloning capabilities using technology based on RDR to speed up disk cloning activities by 90% or more.

GFS with backup chain protection
The traditional GFS backup template has been pre-configured with monthly, weekly, daily activities, and retention rules. Simplifies management of backup chains.

Custom backup plan support
Allows administrators the flexibility of creating custom backup plans that provide the level of protection they require.

What's New in Version 6.0.638:
* Version 6.0.638 fixes the following issues:
Bug Fixes: v6.0.638
Failed to create empty document message at start-up
A fresh install of v6 over an existing v5 install could cause an error message box to be displayed when starting Reflect until next reboot. This has been resolved.
Unnecessary backup file Splits when free space is low
When starting a backup the maximum backup file size was set to the remaining free space on the backup drive. This is unnecessary if a Free Space Threshold is set in the retention rules and could cause an unnecessary split of the backup file. This has been resolved.
Windows PE build failure
Windows PE rescue media could fail to build if the location of the PE files was on a disconnected drive or if there was insufficient free space. This has been resolved.
Default retention rules ordered incorrectly
In the Edit Defaults Retention Rules property page, the selection for Backups, Days and Weeks was not in the correct sequence. This has been resolved.
Differential option not available when selecting the Other Actions menu in the Restore tab
The Differential backup option was missing if the backup was created with the Synthetic Full option checked. This has been resolved.

Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64) Di-K1B6

Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64) Q4vbLA


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Macrium Reflect 6.0.638 WinPE BootCD (WinPE 5.0 x86 x64)
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