منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين
منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين
منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين
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منتديات المؤمنين الصالحين

احدث الإسلاميات والبرامج والالعاب وافلام الكارتون والصور
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 Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise

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المساهمات : 319
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/05/2015

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مُساهمةموضوع: Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise   Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise I_icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 22, 2015 8:39 pm

Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise 2345aefb265d3e039a14a3ac93ecf76b
Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise | 107.5 MB

Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise Coollogocom74703810

Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro is a famous page turning software, specialized in creating Flash & HTML5 page flipping magazines, brochures, catalogs etc from various documents: PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, images and more. Users can embed media elements such as text, links, images, video gallery, YouTube, shapes etc to flipping pages to make interactive e magazines. Any computer, iPad, iPhone, Android phone readers can browse the flash&HTML5 page flipping e-magazines online with comfortable reading experience.

Professional HTML5 Page Turner
Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Enterprise, a helpful Flash&HTML5 page turning software, offers you a professional but easy way to design 3D animated flipping page publications from PDF, Microsoft office documents, images and flash movies. A nice PDF to SWF flash program for anyone to generate digital publishing creations like digital magazine, flip catalog, page turning ebooks to enhance business presentations.

Make Mobile-friendly HTML5 Digital Magazines
Kvisoft digital magazine software can enable you convert PDF to HTML5 page flipping magazine which is of high compatibility with all popular mobile devices: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android and other portable devices. Your readers can watch videos, browse images, listen music, click links etc on mobile devices just as perfect as reading page turning publications on computer.

Multi-Language Support to Make Digital Publications
To adapt for readers of different countries, you must need to create a multi-language publication. You can import different language versions of a marketing document into Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Enterprise, then it will generate a multi-language magazine. So your readers can switch to native language version for easier reading and operating.

Convert PowerPoint/Word/Excel/PDF to Flip Magazine
This page flipping software can convert images, SWF, flash videos and common doc files(PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to dynamic 3D flash magazines for more impressive and effective online & offline sharing. You don't need to know any flash scripts to design a professional e-magazine to deliver your tips, brands, products and story to the worldwide.

Realistic Bookcase to Show More
In order to show more relevant information about your flipping digital publications, you can make full use of the bookcase feature of Kvisoft e magazine creator. Set the URL and thumbnail, you can easily put similar ebooks or content together on a bookcase to bring your audience a shortcut to know more about your company, products, discounts etc which can increase your brand visibility or ebook sales.

Create Interactive Ebooks with Rich Media
Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Enterprise can enable users to create interactive flash flipping magazines with embedded rich media elements such as dynamic text, bubbles, image gallery, flash, local movies, YouTube video, music, Flickr pictures etc with only easy drag and click. You can communicate with your potential clients more pleasantly and clearly with comprehensive illustration means: text details, iconic images, video demos, dynamic flash etc. The rich-media flash flipping digital publications will lead more visitors to your website or online store.

Publish for Web/Mobile/Mac/CD
Kvisoft PDF to flash magazine converter supports various publishing formats: flash-based HTML, HTML5, standalone SWF, EXE, APP, Screensaver and video. You can present your business information in front of worldwide people via web version flash magazines, HTML5 mobile version(iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android devices and other portable devices) page turning ebooks, executable Mac App , CD delivery, Screensaver and other types of turning page publications. It's easy to make a 3D page-flip magazine which is accessible for PC and mobile users, online and offline readers, Windows or Mac users.

and much more ..

OS : Windows 8/7/Vista/2000/XP
Language : English

Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise Di-K1B6

Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise Aw7fZTh


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Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Pro & Enterprise
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